Community Advancements
pre K-12 UX Pipeline
Emerging Technologies
SPEAKING + Workshops
What's UX's Role in Digital Transformation
3 stories of Fortune 500 companies in my past making major shifts in business.
Innovation with a Big 'I' and Little 'i'
There's opportunities everywhere to affect change in your organization.
making things or making things happen
How to help drive better outcomes starting with the CSuite,
Designing for Our Older Audiences
We're all online now. How do we serve our senior community.
Diversity Beyond Gender
Why our design work requires more. Our communities and businesses depend on it.
UX in Industry 4.0
How UX is leading the manufacturing industry into its tech future.
Natasha is a passionate Strategy and Creative Leader with 20+ years of experience focused on innovation and merging fields. As a business-minded visionary, she is especially gifted in building new and established teams, expanding business capabilities, and creating UX programs, delivering transformational results.
Her interests expands beyond the field of design to math and science and much more. This unending curiosity about the world instills her with a sense of enthusiasm and passion for finding different ways, creations, and ideas to make things better.
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